Issues Manager

Automated issue reporting and management


Managers can access the Issues Manager Feature via the MiMOR dashboard on a mobile or desktop at any time.

MiMOR’s Issues Manager Feature saves managers time from juggling resident issues and manually coordinating repairs
and resolutions.

This feature empowers users with the control and automation they need to streamline issue reporting and resolution, all from the user-friendly, online MiMOR dashboard.

Customised Automation for Efficient Resolutions

The Workflow Tab allows managers to create customised workflows for any type of issue.

Choose who will be notified when a resident reports a problem, ensuring that relevant parties are informed instant

Additionally, when an issue is reported, a work order can be generated automatically and sent to the appropriate trade, accelerating the resolution process.

Tailored Control Over Communication

We understand that every property is unique, and communication preferences can vary.

That’s why the Settings Tab gives you complete control over how communication is managed.

Customise notifications to trades and residents based on your building’s specific needs.



Streamline issue resolution with automated workflows and instant notifications.


Gain complete oversight of existing issues and their statuses.


Tailor communication and workflows to your buildings and Owners Corporation Companies requirements.


Our online dashboard is intuitive and easy to use, making strata management a breeze.

Swift Resolution

Automated work orders ensure that problems are addressed promptly.

Enhanced Communication

Keep all residents informed on building issues.


Automatic record keeping of all past building issue reports.

Transparency and Oversight at Your Fingertips

The Issues Tab provides a real-time overview of existing issues, allowing you to easily track the status of each issue and see who has been notified.


Want to know more about MIMOR? Talk to us today.